You shouldn’t miss the fruit carrier race, Tu’aro Ma’ohi, during the Heiva of Bora Bora as it is a unique and cultural event. It will take place on June 29, 2022 at 3 pm in Tuvavau Square. During this competition, men and women will proudly represent Polynesian culture. Indeed, the fruit-carrying race is an ancestral daily practice in Polynesia. Titaua has won this race many times. This year, she is defending her title and tells us more about this sport event she loves.
The fruit carrier race
The fruit-carrying race originates from the Maohi culture. In the past, farmers would move from one valley to another and carry the fruit by tying it to a piece of wood. The idea of a race came from the island of Taha’a after a challenge by the locals to find the strongest man in the village.
It is a unique race in which the participant must run barefoot, in local dress with a flower crown. The fruit must not be too ripe to fit on the wood. The wood and ties must be natural and there are specific guidelines as to the length and diameter of the wood.
From year to year, the Federation of Traditional Sports and Games may vary the load. The load is between 15 and 20 kg for women and 25 to 30 kg for men. The distance to be covered is 1200 meters and can go up to 1300 meters for men.
There is also an event with a load of 50 kg. This event is, until now, only for men and is only held in Tahiti.

“I am very proud to represent women and to set an example for young girls and women“
A special race
The race takes place on sand and asphalt. The runner starts on sand which tires much faster. Then, the competitor must find a technique to run without burning his/her feet on the asphalt. He/she needs to keep energy to accelerate because the arrival is on sand again.
The load is carried on one side only. The difficulty is to find the balance with only one arm. It is also necessary to manage the sensations on the feet because the body is slightly unbalanced towards the front.

Titaua: an impressive track record
Titaua, nicknamed Titi Baup, is a yoga and swimming instructor, and a therapist.
Passionate about sports and Polynesian arts, she practices ori tahiti (Tahitian dance) and Tu’aro Ma’ohi. She has participated in the Fruit Carrier Contest at the Heiva i Bora Bora for 5 consecutive years and has won four first prizes and one second prize. But Titaua didn’t stop there. She participated and won twice in the Heiva Tu’aro Ma’ohi in Tahiti where she competed against all the islands of Polynesia, Easter Island and New Zealand.
This year, Titaua will once again represent the island of Bora Bora at the Heiva Tu’aro Ma’ohi in Tahiti on July 14th 2022. She will participate in the master category (over 35 years old).
A special training
Titaua’s training is essentially based on yoga. She says, “Yoga works your mind, your breathing and helps you to be very well sheathed to protect your back».

She then completes her training with short, varied, intense runs and Crossfit type exercises (pull-ups, push-ups). Our champion also takes advantage of the Bora Bora lagoon to do training sessions in the water.
Titi Baup does not use any weight training equipment. She fills a bag with sand or uses water bottles to do strength bars or run with loads.
“Yoga works your mind, your breathing and helps you to be very well sheathed to protect your back“
Women in the Fruit Carrier Race
Most of the women who participate in the race are rowers. They are strong and have the right mindset for the race. There may be about 15 women in Bora Bora and more than 20 in Tahiti.
Titaua is a great example of success in this event of physical and mental strength . “I am very proud to represent women and to set an example for young girls and women” she says. “There is no age limit to participate, but you have to train smart for this race that requires specific qualities to avoid injury”.
She is a passionate champion and we strongly encourage her for her race on June 29th in Bora Bora and July 14th in Tahiti. Faaitoito Titaua!